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Why Sports?- From an owner of a Colorado Brand

A girl once asked me, "why do you love playing and watching sports?"  She loves art and listening to music, but couldn't understand what was so captivating about playing or watching someone play a sport.  My answer for her is this:


When you are doing something that combines your heart, body and mind, it is a form of art.  It is an expression to your very existence.  When you watch someone ride a bike down a mountain or float through the air off of a ski jump, the fluidity and fabrication of that movement is much the same as a brush stroke on canvas.  


Picture a dancer performing choreography in a theater.  Every movement is defined and accentuated to be beautiful and impactful.  When viewing the world through a similar lens, every movement around us can be viewed as a similar art form.  When you watch a musician perform, not only their music but their performance itself has the ability to captivate you in the moment of that experience.  It can make you experience emotions you were not feeling minutes before, enabling and altering your life every time you feel a new sensation.  When watching an athlete perform, whether that is in the water, sand, dirt or air, you have the opportunity to feel those same sensations.  


Think about the joy you feel when watching an athlete gracefully ride out of a trick that has never been done before, or the overwhelming terror as you watch someone race from the grips of an avalanche coming down the mountain.  The human experience that defines success and triumph all stems from an emotional understanding of yourself and your surroundings.  Athletics can serve as a medium to harmonize not only with your body and mind, but the natural world around you.  Through our actions, we have the ability to extend our form of self to our surroundings to those of us who want to be touched by something genuine.  

Everyone ties into this art form that is life.  For me, this is what it means to Belong.  


- Ben (Co-Founder)

(In other exciting release news, we'll be releasing a Colorado Jacket for both the ski and snowboard industry. Stay tuned into our site for the release of the Colorado Ski Jacket and the Colorado Snowboard Jacket from our Colorado Brand that you know as Belong. 



1 comment

  • Marcus Nelson

    I love this look on life. Movement is art and Belong is painting a beautiful picture.

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